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IT BEGINS (whatever it is)!

Hey, kids!

After a protracted and ongoing recovery from an avalanche of turkey last November (I'm talkin' about the "election", of course), we're FINALLY setting up our studio!

Our first real, full-on, actual album of all-original Mossy tunes is afoot!

Thanks in no small part to our Kickstarter campaign's wonderful and generous supporters, this evening we're gonna fire up our snazzy new digital interface (whatever the hell that is) and get the studio's sound Mossified before we begin to record.

We're so psyched that we're going out for street tacos first! (Of course, we do that pretty much before every practice, but anyway...)

So if you're in the vicinity of Uno Mas, our fave Pearl Street pre-rehearsal hangout this evening, drop by our table and say hola.

We're the loud ones. We always are.

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a great denver dad band post-punk fun funk crazy entertaining kid friendly music experience

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